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User Experience (U/X) Survey

Thank you for being here! The purpose of this interview is to understand common challenges our customer may experience when trying to make a purchase from our site. Your participation will help us identify any navigational or experience issues faced when trying to shop our site. There are no right or wrong answers but please respond using as much detail as possible. 

Participants who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a refund of their last order. 

Share your shopping experience with us
Whats your age?
How long ago was your last order?
Please rate your overall satisfaction with our website.Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfiedPlease rate your overall satisfaction with our website.
Please rate your overall satisfaction with our prices.Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfiedPlease rate your overall satisfaction with our prices.

Thanks for sharing! You have been entered into the drawing!

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